The future of PCB market,Build your dreams more ealier
We make all boards to IPC-A-600 Class 2 or higher standard. Quality is not something that is inspected into your PCB. We build it into your boards from the moment you open the price calculator. Our smart menus guide you towards optimum manufacturability.
Part 1 : Before Production
Front-end Engineering
The first step is to make sure that the data that we will use to make your PCBs is correct
Fabrication tests
We run 3 types of test during fabrication, visual, non-destructive measurements and destructive tests. The destructive tests are used to check our processes. They are made on actual PCBs or on the test coupons which we put onto every production panel. After more than 30 years of PCB manufacturing experience, we have developed test coupons on the production panels which provide simple, non-destructive tests for more complex parameters.
Shenzhen Skyline Technology Limited
Tel: 0755-32807304
Unit 6,12 Floor,No..27,Fu 2 Road,Fuyong Town,Baoan District,Shenzhen,China