Capable Wizard以全新时装视觉打造的成熟女性基调,透露干练时髦的气场,坚定的眼神中承载着全新的自信魅力。
In a whole new fashion vision to build a mature female tone, said capable fashionable aura, a stern look in bearing the weight of the confidence of new charm.
Natural Mark来源于设计师智慧的灵感,淡雅的色彩赋予了大自然清新的魅力,结合丰富的毛织肌理印花,传达出独特的艺术味道。
From designers inspiration wisdom, the color of quietly elegant to the charm of nature and pure and fresh, printed in combination with abundant hair texture, convey the unique artistic taste.
Charm Of Modern富有怀旧意味的搭配和本季新廓形时装碰撞融合出现代感十足的女性魅力。
The collocation of rich nostalgic means and this new profile fashion fusion of modern female glamour.
Romantic Atelier拼接新色悄然来袭,极具艺术感的肌理细节值得被凝视,平滑梭织料与浪漫蕾丝的搭配,让闲时安逸的时光变得富有诗意。
Joining together quietly hit the new color, highly artistic texture details should be stare, smooth the collocation of woven material and romantic bud silk, make easy time when poetic.