Buttons & icons
Small Buttons
Normal Buttons
Large Buttons
Sizez and dropups
Utilize the extra button classes .btn-mini
, .btn-small
, or .btn-large
for sizing.
Dropup menus
Dropdown menus can also be toggled from the bottom up by adding a single class to the immediate parent of .dropdown-menu
. It will flip the direction of the .caret
and reposition the menu itself to move from the bottom up instead of top down.
Button Examples
Button dropdowns
Use any button to trigger a dropdown menu by placing it within a .btn-group
and providing the proper menu markup.
Split button dropdowns
Building on the button group styles and markup, we can easily create a split button. Split buttons feature a standard action on the left and a dropdown toggle on the right with contextual links.
Buttons with icons
This is an example buttons with icons. About 140 icons are available.
And there this is a toolbar icon example
Available icons
140- icon-glass
- icon-music
- icon-search
- icon-envelope
- icon-heart
- icon-star
- icon-star-empty
- icon-user
- icon-film
- icon-th-large
- icon-th
- icon-th-list
- icon-ok
- icon-remove
- icon-zoom-in
- icon-zoom-out
- icon-off
- icon-signal
- icon-cog
- icon-trash
- icon-home
- icon-file
- icon-time
- icon-road
- icon-download-alt
- icon-download
- icon-upload
- icon-inbox
- icon-play-circle
- icon-repeat
- icon-refresh
- icon-list-alt
- icon-lock
- icon-flag
- icon-headphones
- icon-volume-off
- icon-volume-down
- icon-volume-up
- icon-qrcode
- icon-barcode
- icon-tag
- icon-tags
- icon-book
- icon-bookmark
- icon-print
- icon-camera
- icon-font
- icon-bold
- icon-italic
- icon-text-height
- icon-text-width
- icon-align-left
- icon-align-center
- icon-align-right
- icon-align-justify
- icon-list
- icon-indent-left
- icon-indent-right
- icon-facetime-video
- icon-picture
- icon-pencil
- icon-map-marker
- icon-adjust
- icon-tint
- icon-edit
- icon-share
- icon-check
- icon-move
- icon-step-backward
- icon-fast-backward
- icon-backward
- icon-play
- icon-pause
- icon-stop
- icon-forward
- icon-fast-forward
- icon-step-forward
- icon-eject
- icon-chevron-left
- icon-chevron-right
- icon-plus-sign
- icon-minus-sign
- icon-remove-sign
- icon-ok-sign
- icon-question-sign
- icon-info-sign
- icon-screenshot
- icon-remove-circle
- icon-ok-circle
- icon-ban-circle
- icon-arrow-left
- icon-arrow-right
- icon-arrow-up
- icon-arrow-down
- icon-share-alt
- icon-resize-full
- icon-resize-small
- icon-plus
- icon-minus
- icon-asterisk
- icon-exclamation-sign
- icon-gift
- icon-leaf
- icon-fire
- icon-eye-open
- icon-eye-close
- icon-warning-sign
- icon-plane
- icon-calendar
- icon-random
- icon-comment
- icon-magnet
- icon-chevron-up
- icon-chevron-down
- icon-retweet
- icon-shopping-cart
- icon-folder-close
- icon-folder-open
- icon-resize-vertical
- icon-resize-horizontal
- icon-hdd
- icon-bullhorn
- icon-bell
- icon-certificate
- icon-thumbs-up
- icon-thumbs-down
- icon-hand-right
- icon-hand-left
- icon-hand-up
- icon-hand-down
- icon-circle-arrow-right
- icon-circle-arrow-left
- icon-circle-arrow-up
- icon-circle-arrow-down
- icon-globe
- icon-wrench
- icon-tasks
- icon-filter
- icon-briefcase
- icon-fullscreen